Now, by 'Traditional Presbyterian" I mean the church has literally been around since the dawn of time, or at least the dawn of this country. Growing up in a traditional Congregational church, I thought this might be a good fit. After all, I highly doubt that the structure of either service has changed in the past 250 years. For some reason I like my church that way.
At the risk of boring you with historical references, the Congregational church was started by the Pilgrims who came over on the Mayflower. Essentially, they wanted every local church to be governed by the congregation, hence the name. American Presbyterians were highly influenced by early Congregationalists, so their services and church appearances are very similar. White with off white trim was apparently the IT color scheme of the day! Actually, Protestant churches were painted cream or white because the emphasis was supposed to be on the message and not on ornate decoration.
However, despite the similarities in service structure and rectory decor, it wasnt working for me. I went back to this particular Presbyterian church a few times, because gosh darn I wanted it to fit. But I always go with my gut and my gut says "You didn't make the team." My gut is rarely wrong so I decided it was time to send in the next applicant.
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